Shabbat Shalom

Two Words mean the world to me this week.

Shabbat– the 7th day on which Jews rest, emulating G-d who also rested, and commemorating our liberation from bondage.

Shalom– wholeness, peace, completion.

Combined they create a statement of intention, of hope for another and the world.

Shabbat Shalom is more than a greeting, it is a state of mind and purpose; without which I might go entirely insane.

I am not an observant Jew (at least not in the traditional sense), but after a return to full-time employment I am now, this week, very grateful for Shabbat and for perhaps more aware of the ways by which my life may be made fuller but a recognition of the cessation of work.

So, Shabbat Shalom! both a wish for you and a wish for me. May we all enjoy liberty from work obligations and the company of family and friends whose presence adorns our weekly holiday.

Shabbat !

Shalom !